ONLINE PUBLICATIONS and E-TEXT part 3 ////////////////////////////////////// Comedy 'Zine An electronic magazine full of comic related material. Way Cool and fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical Documents WWW site Mostly U.S. historical documents including writings from Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and many others. This is a work in progress and the list of historical documents from all over the world is increasing rapidly. They are all in completely original format with no abridgement or adaptation. A site that could become an excellent resource for both education facilities and personal research. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected Internet Poetry Archives WWW Poetry Archives Gopher to: first select --> Worlds of Sunsite then select --> Poetry and Creative Writing Wiretap Online Library This site also contains "classics" literature too. Gopher to: select --> Wiretap Online Library then select --> Classics ( this is a great place to stop and check out lots of classic literature before going on to poetry) then finally select --> Poetry also available via ftp at: FTP Poetry Archives ftp to: in the --> /pub/etext/wiretap-classic-library/Poetry =========================================================================== Mark Twain Resources on the World Wide Web Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) would be amazed at this web site. Nearly every bit (and byte) of information on him and his writings and other works are here. This is truly a complete Twain site and it has links to other Mark Twain sites and Twain exhibition sites. Excellent resource site! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Urban Desires Put out every two months, this e-zine deals with "metropolitan passions". Lots of urban culture drips through the pages of this publication and it exudes quality production wherever your travels in this e-zine may lead. A very well done magazine that has a large and loyal readership. If you want to see an extremely well done digital web publication, check this out. Neat links - lots to do and read - this will probably become a *must read* and *must visit* in your growing hotlist of places to surf to regularly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland An illustrated (with the *original* Tenniel illustrations!) hypertextual online version of the classic Lewis Carrol tale. The complete book is here and has the original and unadbridged text of the complete story. Many have commented that the illustrations alone are worth the trip. Actually this is not truly a "children's story" for much of the keen humor and satire will be lost on young children. However, fortunately enough, many adults are coming here and either enjoying it for the first time or taking delight in re-reading an old favorite. A true classic masterpiece of a tale. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension An evolutionary and reactive work that is w-a-y out there. If there is a fifth dimension - these folks are on it and in it. Very interesting... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NewsPage A free news service that offers news briefs (over 15,000) sorted by topic. The commercial service version offers full-text articles rather than the article "news briefs" offered for free. Hey - I'll take free info anytime. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literary Kicks A hip cool-down Beat author's haven (heaven?). Fans of authors such as Jack Kerouac will absolutely love this page and all its links and info to Beat generation authors, their works and biographies and life-styles. Allen Ginsberg is well represented here too and in all honesty if the new "Generation X" is to understand their roots - they need to surf here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paradox A graphical trip into the realms of life's paradoxes and beyond. The images are mystifyingly beautiful in a serene yet haunting way. I am not one to offer judgemental decisions and so you're own your own after you reach this destination. Everyone who visits sees Paradox in a different way and I defy you to explain everything you see with rational mind. It sounds odd but these are images that you feel rather than see. You have to see this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Media An unbelievably good romp through a collection of the best of hard-copy tabloids and magazines brought to you ala web. This is one of the hippest and coolest sites on the web - and that's no bull. You have got to check this out. Bob Andelman gives us the best of the best - from tabloid headlines to comic book hype - it's all here in beautiful graphic imagery. I can almost guarantee that you're going to put this site on your hotlist! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blue Penny Quarterly FTP to: in the --> /pub/mac/misc/BPQ/ This is consistently spoken of and reviewed as the "one of the ten best literary offerings on the Internet". And it's hard to argue with that. The writings are simply and wonderfuly done with stories that will both interest and engage you. This really is one of the best literary offerings out there - electronic, hard-copy or otherwise. A **** Four Star rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Quest A literary trip that holds some sort of cosmic promise. The prose is more than beautifully written - it's a deep meandering into your mind and beyond. There's a message here - and whatever it is - has to be truth. I dare anyone to put what this work is about into words - you don't necessarily need to explain a great piece of work - you only need to read and experience the whole thing. For me it was like listening to a song that I loved but wasn't sure of the exact words. I'm still humming along... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Websurfer's Handbook This is exactly how your mother didn't teach you to surf. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enterzone A "hyperzine" of writing art and new age media. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sherlock Holmes Collection Mike Krejci (aka Tirk Derango) has made available a cool collection of Sherlock Holmes related material. The game's afoot! Quick Watson! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avion Online A college newspaper on the web that specializes in aviation and aerospace topics and related material. Includes space shuttle updates and launches, launch video clips, airline news and much more in a true multimedia and often interactive environment. College publications were some of the first to be bold and go out on the web - this is a great newspaper and a great source of informaton for anyone interested in aerospace or aviation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your MoM A rather juvenile but inoffensive little 'zine best left read by juveniles and pubescent teens. I found it to be somewhat funny but if I were a few years younger - I may have found it to be hilarious. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BookWire A self described "first place to look for book information on the World Wide Web". And I believe they're right. A huge and on-target list of links to books, book related and literature related site all across the WWW. I can't say enough about this page as there are so many informative links to every possible facet of book related material that it's just too much to list here. Authors, newsgroups, Internet sites, children's books, and on and on goes the links and lists of topical info. A **** Four Star Page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hip Magazine Like Rolling Stone magazine - only way better! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The WELLgopher Gopher to: Holy cow! This is a *monster* site (and that's good!). This gopher site is like hitting paydirt - in fact - this site is near legendary on the 'net. This gopher site houses a huge library of things to read all laid out in an organized fashion. There are things here you just won't get anywhere else and if you really want to keep up on the 'net scene and beyond you really *must* come to this site and read up. No excuses. Period. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------